Reflecting on my PIDP Learning Experience

Well, I’m nearing the end of another PID course, so I thought I would take a moment to look back and reflect on what I've learned. One of the most important things I have learned I throughout the PID program is the importance of having a good, clear curriculum – one that is streamlined and relevant … Continue reading Reflecting on my PIDP Learning Experience

The Importance of Lifelong Learning

What do you think of when you think about lifelong learning? Does it sounds like you need to go to college for the rest of your life? Does is sound like you need to have your nose in a book 24/7? What does “lifelong learning” mean? According to Wikipedia, the definition of lifelong learning is … Continue reading The Importance of Lifelong Learning

My Thoughts on Brooksfield Chapter 6: Lecturing Creatively

Photo credit to:  Christophe Volet for The Chronicle Lecturing – a snooze fest or an exciting learning adventure? Well, it all really depends on the teacher. Brooksfield says, “Like any technique lecturing can be done abominably. But just because something is mishandled by some teachers doesn’t mean the method as a whole is inherently flawed.” … Continue reading My Thoughts on Brooksfield Chapter 6: Lecturing Creatively

Are There Ethical Professors?

There was a popular situation several years back (2009) concerning Ward Churchill, a former Professor at the University of Colorado.  Psychology Today wrote, “Ward Churchill got into trouble for things he wrote about the 9/11 attacks and politicians called for his ouster. Meanwhile, charges of academic misconduct started to surface, including plagiarism and fabricating facts. A faculty … Continue reading Are There Ethical Professors?

“Work by Learning and Learn by Working”

Recently I watched a  TEDGlobal video called, “Geoff Mulgan: A Short Intro to the Studio School” that I think you may find interesting.  Here's a link to the video: Early in the video, Geoff Mulgan, Director of the Young Foundation, asks the question, “What kind of school would teenagers fight to get in to, not … Continue reading “Work by Learning and Learn by Working”

From “Sage on the Stage to Guide on the Side”

Fo my PID 3260 course, we are reading a book written by Stephen Brookfield called The Skillful Teacher: On Technique, Trust, and Responsiveness in the Classroom.  For the most part, it's a regular book on adult education.  However, Brookfield threw a quick curveball to see if I was still awake, when he said, and I quote, “We give the … Continue reading From “Sage on the Stage to Guide on the Side”